What is a Warehouse Management System?

A Warehouse Management System, or WMS, is software that manages all day-to-day operations within a warehouse and acts as the foundation for any other technology systems a warehouse might implement. The scope of WMS functionality is extremely comprehensive, ranging from receiving and location management to picking, packing, and shipping of orders and everything in between, including inventory management.


Few WMS software platforms include options for customer management for third-party logistics (3PL) warehouses, which offer the option for customer portals and notifications so that the brands 3PLs serve can monitor their own inventory control. One of the highlights of WMS platforms is the extensive data analytics and reporting options that provide insights into inventory tracking for both warehouse and customer users. Additionally, many 3PL-specific WMS platforms also include billing and payment portals to drive invoice generation and ease of payments.

On-Premise vs. Cloud-Based Warehouse Management System

On-premise warehouse management system refers to software that is hosted and maintained on-site using the warehouse’s own servers. The warehouse’s IT department and resources are responsible for managing both the software and hardware required to run their business.

On-premise solutions used to be the industry standard for their customizability to accommodate a warehouse’s specific workflows. However, they lack scalability and force users into the “buy, upgrade, maintain” software cycle with software updates that come at a cost. In addition, when using on-premise WMS solutions, IT departments must download and manage updates, making implementation complicated, bugs and errors hard to manage, inefficient to maintain, and costly to upgrade.

Cloud-based warehouse management system software is hosted online in the cloud, often with no downloads needed. Instead, the warehouse accesses the software online, so users can securely log in to the system on any connected device, not just at on-premise terminals that have the WMS software installed. Additionally, cloud-based WMS software providers publish updates automatically, drastically decreasing downtime spent implementing upgrades, and build the software to standard specifications for broad warehousing needs to help align warehouse workflows to best practices.

Factor On-Premise WMS Cloud-Based WMS
Initial Cost Higher due to licenses, hardware, infrastructure Lower with subscription-based pricing
Operational Cost Includes maintenance, updates, energy consumption, and technical headcount Provider manages WMS upgrades automatically, usually leading to lower costs
Customization Can be fully tailored to specific needs May offer less customization but improving with advanced offerings
Control Full control over data, security, configuration Provider has more control, which affects data and system management
Data Security Managed in-house; effectiveness varies by capability Handled by provider with industry-standard protocols and updated frequently
Integration Can be complex with existing infrastructure Simplified and streamlined for leading cloud-based order sources and shipping carriers, challenges with legacy systems
Scalability Requires additional hardware, time investment Easily scaled with service plan adjustments
Accessibility On-site or via VPN; potentially more limited Available anywhere with internet, enhancing remote work and customer visibility
Reliability Depends on internal IT resources Typically higher due to provider's redundant systems
Update and Upkeep Updates can be costly, disruptive, and require downtime Handled by provider with little to no downtime
Internet Dependency Local access less internet-reliant Highly reliant on robust internet service
Compliance Company's responsibility to ensure adherence Providers often certified to global standards
Technical Expertise In-house IT staff needed for system management Provider's responsibility, less in-house IT needed
Time to Implement Can be lengthy, requires significant setup Quicker deployment as no hardware setup is required


Embracing a Cloud-based WMS future-proofs your operations. It ensures your business stays agile and adaptable, allowing for rapid growth without the constraints of traditional on-premise systems. This forward-looking approach benefits both brands and 3PLs alike. Learn More

WMS Integrations

For those fulfilling ecommerce operations, especially with an omnichannel fulfillment strategy in which the warehouse handles transactions across a wide range of sales channels with a unified approach, cloud-based WMS software is great for integrations with shopping cart platforms, marketplaces, and application programming interfaces (API). Such systems can also communicate with other customers, vendors, and suppliers through technologies like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), UCC-128 label printing, and receiving against advanced shipping notice (ASN).

Top warehouse management systems are also able to integrate with a wide range of internal and external software systems including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, Supply Chain Management Systems, Order Management Systems (OMS), Transportation Management Systems (TMS), Barcode Scanning Systems, accounting programs, and ecommerce platforms.

Automated Warehouse Processes

The key objective of a WMS is digital automation. Digital automation refers to eliminating manual processes with software and/or hardware to reduce human error, inconsistencies, and slow speeds of handling repetitive tasks. With digital automation, a WMS creates best practice workflows and processes that are repeatable across customers, which is particularly valuable to third-party logistics warehouses who serve multiple customers.

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For example, a WMS automates billing by capturing all billable activities in the warehouse including recurring storage, shipping, and handling fees as well as other charges. At the end of the billing period, the WMS gathers all charges into invoices that the user can then export to integrated accounting software like Quickbooks.

Other processes that a WMS can automate are inventory management with directed putaway and cycle counting, auditing, and tracking of goods within the warehouse; receiving against an advanced shipping notification (ASN); shipping and order management; and picking and packing with mobile barcode scanning.

Picking and packing with integrated mobile barcode scanning technology is a major benefit of WMS software. With mobile barcode scanning, the user can scan each item’s barcode at pick and pack in real-time to ensure they have the correct item and quantity. This is especially useful in workflows with serial numbers, which previously incurred a lot of human error when the user would have to manually check long serial numbers of incoming and outgoing items. Additionally, mobile barcode scanning is useful in inventory management during cycle counting and monitoring not just the quantity of a particular item but also the quality of items (i.e., if they are damaged or expired).

Warehouse Management System vs. Order Management System

What’s the difference between a WMS and an OMS? Warehouse Management Systems and Order Management Systems are similar software solutions used by warehouses, but the two have different functionalities. Whereas a WMS offers a comprehensive software platform that captures, records, and analyzes data on all day-to-day functions performed by a warehouse, an OMS monitors the coming and going of all inventory throughout the supply chain for its entire lifecycle, including in the warehouse, and orders related to it. An OMS often includes routing and inventory allocation functionality based on sales channel.

Because of this, OMS is not a replacement for a WMS, which does much more than track inventory and orders, but an OMS can complement a WMS in a warehouse’s technology stack. OMS is also a good solution for private warehouses that do not have multi-client operations or for customers of third-party logistics warehouses that want to visibility of their own inventory across multiple sales channels and warehouses.

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How Does a WMS Work?

A warehouse management system works by incorporating all the steps your company must take to quickly and efficiently move products from your warehouse into the hands of your customers or the consumer. Generally speaking, these steps include labor management, pick efficiency, real-time inventory tracking, shipping and order fulfillment, and forecasting and reporting, all of which are crucial components of the warehouse management process.

Labor Management

An intuitive warehouse management system allows business owners to track applicable data about each warehouse employee, including which orders they’re handling and/or which products they’re picking at any given time. This feature not only helps companies closely monitor and optimize employee performance, but it also offers notable gains in productivity and quality — which ultimately results in enhanced workflows and improved profit margins, as well as avoiding warehouse management challenges.

Pick Efficiency

Picking is one of the core functions of any warehouse. Reliable WMS software will actually create pick lists so goods can be retrieved in the most efficient way (whether that’s zone picking, wave picking, or batch picking). With each new order, the picker receives a packing slip of the items and their storage locations within the warehouse; a WMS can determine the best sequence to pick these inventory items to increase both fulfillment speed and accuracy.

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Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Inventory tracking is the process of monitoring stock levels so you know which SKUs you have on hand and the exact locations where they’re stored, or if they’re in transit from a manufacturer. A modern WMS divides warehouses into numerous bins and compartments to help companies access real-time inventory data on specific product allocation. If your company manages multiple warehouses, the WMS should also provide a holistic view across all your facilities. For companies participating in a fourth-party logistics (4PL) network with other 3PLs, more advanced WMS platforms may also offer Network Management.

Shipping and Order Fulfillment

Shipping and order fulfillment are at the forefront of any comprehensive warehouse solution. Most warehouse management systems offer integrations with shipping label providers to facilitate the creation of shipping labels. Based on the delivery options your brand offers, shipping carriers like DHL, USPS, FedEx, and UPS will pick up orders from your warehouse and ship packages to their next destination. Once the order ships, your WMS will automatically send ecommerce order tracking information back to your store so customers can follow along with their shipments for themselves.

Forecasting and Reporting

The top warehouse management systems offer detailed reports on the inventory and operations data from your warehouse. These reports may highlight your accuracy in fulfilling orders (i.e., mispicks or mispacks), the number of orders fulfilled each hour, the rate of orders shipped out on time, and more. In addition, there are also reports that relate to operational aspects like inventory forecasting and labor management (or staffing needs). These reports provide valuable insights and warehouse management tips for optimizing your operations.

What are the 4 Types of Warehouse Management Systems

Warehouse management plays a critical role in daily warehouse operations. Right now, there are primarily four types of warehouse management systems to choose from: standalone WMS system, supply chain management modules, and enterprise resource planning. The trick is to understand the differences between each of these options so you can select the one that’s best suited for your company.

1. Standalone WMS System

A standalone WMS system is often embraced for its warehouse management features and not to run other back office functions. That’s because as far as warehouse management systems go, the standalone option is really the most basic; in fact, it’s often included within a greater inventory management system, since it can be easily applied to other industries beyond warehouse management. For that reason, standalone software has become an ideal choice for small and midsize businesses or similar companies who value streamlined and cost-effective software solutions.

A warehouse cannot function without these two things, thus making standalone systems great for those who just need to improve those facets of their supply chain. When a business decides to utilize a standalone WMS, they benefit from the simplicity of it, and can quickly begin using it without waiting for full integration. Many warehouses begin by managing many things manually, and via spreadsheets, so a standalone can provide a major uplift to those existing systems. Some of the things a business can manage using a standalone system include:

  • Picking
  • Packing
  • Shipping
  • Receiving
  • Returns
  • FIFO or LIFO data management
  • Cycle counts
  • Barcode scanning
  • Inventory tracking

Businesses should keep in mind, that some limited functionality warehouse management systems may not integrate well with some OMS or ERPs. If they are looking toward the future and see themselves growing exponentially and expect to need more technology down the road, they may want to invest in a more robust and comprehensive WMS software, which can help address potential warehouse management issues.

2. Supply Chain Management Module

Supply chain management (SCM) software has a fairly broad scope — it helps retailers manage everything from business relationships to warehouse processes to risk assessment. It focuses on automating tasks like inventory management and product life cycles. If you decide on software with supply chain management (SCM) features, note that it will require you to invest in supply chain planning applications that include warehousing components. This trajectory is not uncommon, seeing as it allows some brands businesses to explore the many benefits of SCM, but may require significant management and cost. 

3. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Module

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a multifaceted solution that merges the features and functionality of a number of platforms into one cohesive package. In simple terms, ERPs contain most of the core software applications that make business processes run smoothly — think supply chain planning, customer relationship management (CRM), accounting, and so on. ERP is a good option for companies looking to upgrade their software to support significant complexity and scale, and also presents a chance for enterprises to run much of their system from a single system. 

It’s important to remember, however, that while integrated ERP systems have a range of warehouse management features, it’s not a core function of such platforms. With that in mind, make sure you find an ERP that offers the specific warehouse integrations you need (a tough challenge indeed!).

4. Cloud-Based Platform

For fast integration and added convenience, a cloud-based WMS platform is going to be the best option. Cloud technology in the warehouse brings a load of benefits such as increased security, less IT maintenance, and a lower cost. Because cloud-based WMS systems run on a server and system outside of their organization, the integration and management of the WMS become much easier and cheaper.

On-premise warehouse management systems require far more work when it comes to implementing the platform within existing technology and supply chain steps. Businesses would also save money on having an outside IT team manage their systems, rather than in-house or bringing in an outside team.

Other critical features of a cloud-based platform include:

Cloud-based platforms will often be chosen and used by third-party logistics, as they require significant visibility into warehouse operations and must stay up to date on the most recent technology to stay competitive. The cloud can help tie together all aspects of their business in one easy-to-use format. So, if you are a 3PL Warehouse Manager, look into these types of WMS.

Efficient warehouse management is the cornerstone of seamless operations. From optimizing labor resources to ensuring accurate order picking, real-time inventory tracking, and smooth shipping processes, a well-implemented WMS paves the way for growth and customer satisfaction.

Who Needs a WMS?

Both private and 3PL warehouses use Warehouse Management Systems to digitize and automate their warehouse operations. A WMS is useful for all order fulfillment types including pallet in/pallet out, B2B, B2C, ecommerce business, and omnichannel, as the software allows warehouse users to manage inventory and transactions from a variety of receiving and sales channels. Furthermore, WMS systems can handle the needs of warehouses serving multiple industries and verticals including but not limited to retail, apparel, bulk goods, raw materials, cold storage, nutraceuticals & pharmaceuticals, wine & spirits, and hazardous materials.

Private warehouses will sometimes opt for an inventory management system (IMS) instead of a WMS because they only want to track inventory, but this software is extremely limited compared to WMS software and would not suit more complicated operations. Because of the versatility, adaptability, and customizability of WMS software, any warehousing operation – whether public or private – can benefit from using a WMS to record data on all the happenings within their warehouse. Both comprehensive and robust, WMS software is the best solution for warehouses to manage order volume demands and keep track of all transactions performed by the warehouse.

Warehouse Management Systems for Brands

Ecommerce operations require robust systems to handle the complexities of modern fulfillment. Here’s why warehouse management software is indispensable: 

Automation and Efficiency: Automation features within a WMS prevent stockouts by notifying you about inventory issues in advance. With automatic inventory tracking at the stock location level, updates to your inventory management software occur swiftly, ensuring that sales channels reflect accurate stock levels.

Streamline Equipment Usage to Reduce Overhead: A sophisticated WMS can help you optimize the use of your warehouse space and equipment, allowing for improved picking processes and reduced wear on equipment, resulting in significant savings.

Improve Inventory Data Accuracy: By reducing human error through barcode or RFID technology, a WMS ensures greater inventory accuracy, thereby limiting stockouts and write-offs, and reducing time spent on replenishment and inventory reconciliation. This is especially important in maintaining warehouse management best practices.

Better Demand Planning: A WMS, with its advanced demand planning capabilities, allows you to merge data on incoming and outgoing products to better forecast inventory needs, ensuring uninterrupted order flow and fulfillment.

Reliable Security for Warehouse Operations: A WMS assigns individual, auditable user accounts to employees, enhancing accountability and providing a clear audit trail that links specific transactions to specific individuals, thus securing warehouse operations.

Timely Shipments for Better Customer Satisfaction: Lean operations supported by a WMS and organized warehouse stations ensure that shipments are processed quickly, leading to consistently satisfied customers and repeated business.

Warehouse Management Systems for 3PLS

Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) play a vital role in the supply chain, and robust 3PL warehouse management software is pivotal for their success. Here's how a WMS can address the specific needs of 3PLs:

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Client Needs: A WMS offers adaptable modules and workflows that can be customized to meet the varied requirements of each client a 3PL serves, ensuring precise and efficient management of goods across different sectors.

Optimizing Storage and Movements for Efficiency: Advanced WMS features such as directed putaway and real-time inventory control enable 3PLs to optimize warehouse space and dynamically manage inventory, leading to enhanced efficiency and cost savings.

Seamless Integration with Clients' Systems: The ability of a WMS to integrate seamlessly with clients' existing shopping carts and marketplaces, OMS, and purchase order management is crucial for maintaining real-time visibility and coordination throughout the supply chain.

Enhanced Reporting and Performance Metrics: 3PLs benefit from WMS solutions that offer comprehensive, real-time reporting and performance metrics, empowering them to make informed decisions and proactively manage warehouse operations. 

Scalability for Growing Operations: A scalable WMS can support 3PLs as they expand, accommodating increased order volumes and additional services without sacrificing performance. 

Compliance and Accuracy in Order Fulfillment: A WMS assists 3PLs in achieving high levels of accuracy and adherence to regulations, which is essential for client satisfaction and minimizing liability.

Cost-Effective Management of Labor Resources: The labor management optimization features of a WMS help 3PLs to minimize labor costs while maximizing workforce productivity, directly influencing their profitability. 

Advanced Billing and Revenue Management: With features for integrated billing, a WMS enables 3PLs to track and bill accurately for the services they provide, simplifying revenue management and reducing billing disputes.

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5 Features to Look for in a Warehouse Management System

If you’ll be implementing a WMS for the first time, you might feel a little unsure of where to start with vetting potential software partners. The truth is, there are five main criteria to be on the lookout for: omnichannel warehouse visibility, scalability over time, cloud-based connectivity, good customer service, and the ability to integrate with your existing ecommerce platforms.

1. Omnichannel Warehouse Visibility

An omnichannel warehouse is one that fulfills outgoing orders for all customers, regardless of which outlet they used to make their purchase. Having an omnichannel warehouse ushers in improved workflows between all your selling channels, allowing for better efficiency and control of costs. A warehouse management system helps companies get the most of their omnichannel facility, opening up for real-time visibility around your warehousing operations and KPIs.

2. Scalability Over Time

The best warehouse management systems will scale with your company’s growth and adapt to meet future requirements — because otherwise, it’s not a long-term solution. To determine the flexibility of a system, consider whether it works with a majority of ERPs, whether it integrates with flexible hardware (like label printers and scanners), and if it’s achieved proven success with warehouses and distributors of all sizes (which is really just another example of adaptability). 

3. Cloud-Based

By adopting a cloud-based warehouse management system, you can make sure your sales channels, inventory reports, and financials are continually updated with every shipment, delivery, and warehouse transfer. This not only streamlines operations but also sets the foundation for potential future tech upgrades for warehouse management. And that goes without mentioning the ease in merging with external systems, like the programs your suppliers and distributors leverage. Plus, cloud-based connectivity guarantees relevant insights that’ll help you make informed, data-driven decisions. 

4. Good Customer Service

It’s important not to underestimate the value of good customer service when selecting a WMS. Software support is pivotal when it comes to which platform you partner with, because questions are bound to arise within implementation or continued use — and you’ll want to know how or where to contact someone when they do. That’s the reason you should opt for a WMS with a trusted reputation and a dependable process for addressing issues with their service.

5. Integrates with Existing Platforms

As you search for your ideal warehouse management system, look for one that integrates with the existing platforms you’re already relying on, such as inventory management software to track sales and product movement across multiple channels and/or online marketplaces. These integrations are necessary for making sure your operations run as smoothly as possible, and that you never miss a sales opportunity or fall behind on your order fulfillment processes.

Why Use Extensiv WMS Software?

Extensiv Warehouse Manager UI


Extensiv is the leader in cloud-based warehouse management systems. Offering two comprehensive warehouse management platforms, Warehouse Management and 3PL Warehouse Management software quickly transforms paper-based, error-prone businesses into service leaders who can focus on customer satisfaction, operate more efficiently, and grow faster. Serving as the backbone of our customers' operations, we make it easy for merchants and 3PLs to manage inventory, automate routine tasks, and deliver complete visibility to their customers.

Feature Merchants 3PLs

Cloud-Based, Automatic Updates

Omnichannel Warehouse Visibility
Scalable for Long-Term Growth
Seamless Integration 
Customer Service Support

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Why Extensiv's WMS Stands Out:

  • Cloud-Based Efficiency: Extensiv's WMS is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, breaking the costly and high-maintenance software cycle. This frees up time for automatic updates and seamless implementation, benefitting both Sellers and 3PLs.

  • Comprehensive Functionality: Our WMS acts as an all-in-one solution with capabilities unmatched by IMS or OMS software offerings. It seamlessly integrates with various ecommerce and omnichannel programs, ensuring optimal performance for both Sellers and 3PLs.

  • Proven Industry Leader: Extensiv has been the industry leader for over a decade, accurately managing billions of dollars in inventory and processing more than 3 million orders a week. This track record of success demonstrates our platform’s reliability.

  • Dedicated Customer Service: Extensiv offers unparalleled customer service, including implementation managers, customer success managers, and a 24/7 customer support team. We build individual relationships with our clients, ensuring their success.

  • Tailored Solutions: Extensiv's WMS offers adaptable modules and workflows that can be customized to meet the unique requirements of each client, whether they are merchants operating their own warehouses or 3PL providers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a warehouse management system (WMS)?

3PL Warehouse Manager is a cloud-based software platform that manages all day-to-day operations within a warehouse and acts as the foundation for any other technology systems a warehouse might implement. It can help warehouse staff manage receipts, locations, picking, packing, shipping, inventory, and so much more. Our WMS also includes customer management, including the customer portal and automated notifications. It also features data analytics and reporting to help you view productivity in real-time.

What does a warehouse management system do?

A warehouse management system (WMS) helps to support and streamline warehouse logistics and distribution center management. By leveraging a WMS, product-based brands can gain greater visibility into their inventory levels and simplify supply chain fulfillment at every stage of their operations. What’s more, WMS platforms allow companies to maximize how they utilize their labor and physical space, by coordinating both resource usage and material flows.

What are the core components of a warehouse management system?

A warehouse management system works by incorporating all the steps your company must take to quickly and efficiently move products from your warehouse into the hands of your customers. Generally speaking, these steps include labor management, pick efficiency, real-time inventory tracking, shipping and order fulfillment, and forecasting and reporting.

What is omnichannel fulfillment?

Omnichannel fulfillment is a unified approach to managing inventory and order processing from a variety of channels, including a variety of order sources such as Amazon, eBay, and Shopify, for example, from the same inventory bucket. In this way, 3PLs can streamline fulfillment processes and distribution of orders from multiple selling channels without segmenting or restricting inventory per channel.

How can 3PL Warehouse Manager help me receive product into my warehouse?

In 3PL Warehouse Manager, you can create receipts manually, with a scanner using SmartScan, by uploading an import file, or electronically through an EDI or API connection. You can then search and filter by receipts in the Find Receipts page in the Receipts module and perform simple actions like editing, confirming, canceling, and reopening. In addition, you can view open, complete, closed, and canceled receipts, generate receipt documents, and adjust receipt charges. The Receipts module in 3PL Warehouse Manager reflects automatic and manual charges for each customer through the billing functionality. 3PL Warehouse Manager can capture all item-based handling, value-added services, and initial storage charges and fees for your receiving operations.

How can 3PL Warehouse Manager help me ship orders out of my warehouse?

3PL Warehouse Manager can help you manage orders by allowing you to process single or batch orders through the system from receiving, through picking and packing, to printing labels and shipping. With Enterprise and Professional subscriptions, built-in analytics allow you to see the real-time status of orders per customer. 3PL Warehouse Manager’s add-on, Small Parcel Suite, allows you to shop carrier rates from within the platform from a variety of providers. You can even process high-volume orders, print packing slips, and handle returns through Small Parcel Suite. 3PL Warehouse Manager will also generate and link shipping charges to orders, including order processing fees, handling fees, and freight fees.

How can 3PL Warehouse Manager help me manage inventory?

Items are the backbone of 3PL Warehouse Manager’s inventory management. Creating items or importing them into the WMS is the first step toward inventory management with 3PL Warehouse Manager. You can enter item details, from basic details like SKU number, to advanced details like serial numbers and expiration dates to help identify this item in the system and enable dozens of other inventory-tracking features, shipping documentation, directed putaway, and hazardous materials management. Inventory can be grouped by movable unit.

You can also use 3PL Warehouse Manager to allocate, count, and adjust inventory levels, as well as track the transfer of inventory within the system, so that you can be aware of the status of each piece of inventory at every stage of the fulfillment process. Finally, 3PL Warehouse Manager can track assembly transactions, pricing, and storage rates for individual and movable units of inventory.

Can 3PL Warehouse Manager help me implement barcode scanning in my facility?

SmartScan, 3PL Warehouse Manager’s barcode scanning add-on, gives you greater flexibility in fulfillment by allowing you to implement barcodes and receive and pick on-the-go with your mobile device. You can even use SmartScan to perform faster and more accurate inventory audits. SmartScan is flexible enough to work with multiple order types, from high-volume ecommerce to load out for freight shipping. It also helps improve staff throughput with scanning best practices to increase the accuracy and efficiency of your receiving and picking. You can prioritize pick jobs, view picking locations, and what tasks you assign to users in real time with the combination of SmartScan and 3PL Warehouse Manager.

What integrations can I use with 3PL Warehouse Manager?

At Extensiv, we work hard to form partnerships and provide our customers with the best integration experience possible. Through CartRover, now Extensiv Integration Manager, our customers can access hundreds of integrations to ecommerce shopping carts including, but not limited to, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Google Shopping, Groupon, PayPal, Shopify, Walmart, and Wayfair. 3PL Warehouse Manager’s billing integrates directly with QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online to streamline accounting. Further, Small Parcel Suite offers direct integrations to FedEx, UPS, USPS, ShipStation, and dozens more carriers. Don’t see the integration you’re looking for? Our team of dedicated experts can build your custom API or EDI integration through our Developer Services program.

When should my business implement a warehouse management system?

The objective of nearly every warehouse management system is to provide a set of computerized and automated procedures to improve your operational efficiency and minimize your overhead costs. So if your company is ready to implement helpful automations and reduce its expenses — in addition to boosting inventory data accuracy and establishing reliable security measures — it’s probably a great time to implement a WMS for your own brand.

What kind of support can I expect with 3PL Warehouse Manager?

At Extensiv, we pride ourselves on providing a superior support experience for our customers. Not only do we provide our customers with 5 am-5 pm PT phone and chat support, but a dedicated Customer Success Manager assigned to your account is included with your subscription. As a customer, you’ll also get access to the 3PL Warehouse Manager Support Portal where you can monitor usage, pay invoices, and view all your support cases in real time. In addition, 3PL Warehouse Manager customers enjoy access to the 3PL Warehouse Manager Community where you can connect with Extensiv employees and other 3PL Warehouse Manager users and get insight on best practices.

For ongoing training and product knowledge, 3PL Warehouse Manager University provides additional training resources for your team through both live webinars and recorded training videos on specific features within 3PL Warehouse Manager. Finally, the 3PL Warehouse Manager Help Center is full of articles with detailed instructions on how to implement best practices, configure all the features of the product, and more.