Rapid inflation, geopolitical unrest, severe weather, and COVID-19 have presented some unique supply chain challenges to ecommerce retailers in recent years.

While there's no denying that supply chain logistics are constantly evolving, it's safe to say the global lockdown, pandemic, and its many domino effects have caused disruptions that most consumer goods brands weren't accustomed to seeing.

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Yet even with COVID (mostly) in the rearview mirror now, new supply chain and warehouse management challenges continue to arise in 2024 that companies must tackle to remain successful within the competitive world of ecommerce.

With that said, shifts between physical and online retail, a highly connected consumer looking for excellent customer experience, unique products, and good value add to a tremendous opportunity for digitally native brands and omnichannel retailers. Find out some strategies to not only mitigate risk for your business but excel amid new supply chain issues.

2021-22 Supply Chain Overview

In some ways, global supply chains got back on track within a couple of years following a very tumultuous 2020. And yet, several supply chain disruptions carried over into 2021—and beyond—and caused even more difficulty for ecommerce retailers big and small.

The most common supply chain challenges in 2021 and 2022 were port congestion, lack of labor mobility, manufacturing delays, and extreme weather events (including hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires). Numerous outliers—like new COVID variants, factory shutdowns, and the now infamous situation with the trapped Ever Given—also created headaches for retailers.

Despite navigating many natural phenomena and external factors, many ecommerce brands (including those working with Extensiv, like Tushy) found creative ways to keep their revenue flowing and customers satisfied.

Some brands shifted to selling on backorder while others opted to work with domestic providers rather than foreign suppliers. While these changes didn’t negate the issues within the supply chain, they did give brands more leverage and helped them make money during a strenuous (and often unpredictable) twelve months in retail.

The State of Supply Chains in 2024

Companies that survived the volatility likely did so by getting lean, selling through inventory, and focusing on their working capital while becoming more efficient across their entire organizations.

While supply chain delays have largely subsided at a macro level, there continue to be interruptions that are causing unexpected delays. Geopolitical issues in the Middle East are causing ships to avoid the Suez Canal and instead travel around the Horn of Africa, extremely high temperatures in Southeast Asia are causing electrical shortages, and a predicted intense hurricane season are just a few of the issues that may cause supply chain interruptions in the months—potentially years—ahead due to just-in-time (JIT) inventory management and a lack of decoupled inventory.

While global conflict, weather events, and political conflict often happen at a distance far enough not directly to impact consumers, they often impact modern globally distributed supply chain networks that source raw materials and deliver finished goods globally. Companies are addressing these issues head-on by partnering with their suppliers and logistics providers, looking for nearshore and domestic suppliers, and making on-demand arrangements that allow for greater margins and make air freight more affordable.

With rampant inflation quickly increasing the cost of resources, unfinished materials, and energy, companies are looking to every part of their businesses to boost efficiency and improve the value they provide their customers. This includes working with supply chain partners to reexamine best practices and innovation to reduce time to market and costs.

Supply Chain Challenges in 2024

While the COVID-19 pandemic rarely continues to disrupt the supply chain ecosystem in 2024, new and unforeseen barriers to predictable transit times, productivity, and profitability continue to develop daily. The following are 2024’s biggest supply chain challenges faced by product-based businesses from all over the globe:


While much has been said about inflation in the United States, the reality is, quite a few countries around the world are now dealing with the highest inflation in decades. With everything from labor to raw materials costing more and high interest rates reducing the amount businesses can borrow, suppliers, businesses, and consumers are feeling the pinch. This may mean paying for goods ahead of time, extending lines of credit, working with suppliers to extend delivery windows, or downsizing product lines to keep costs low.

Fuel surcharges and base freight costs are also likely to increase in the months ahead to ensure the carriers' profitability while they cope with a slowdown in shipping volume. Working with freight consolidators or considering slower shipment options are just two options that might help reduce the impact on your shipping costs. A brand’s ability to sustain its growth depends on working capital to weather this downtime and ramp up for peak seasons.

As this period of inflation stretches on, businesses must be prepared for cost increases related to the procurement of raw materials, finished products, and more. The consequences of these climbing costs often translate to excess or surplus inventory, mounting storage fees, smaller margins, and lower revenue for your product-based brand.

With that in mind, the challenge becomes accepting the reality of inflation while doing your best to minimize its impact. Combating inflation begins with understanding how it affects your specific business and then taking steps that’ll help you survive these trying times. 

Fortunately, your company can fix inefficiencies with its inventory management and reassess its variable costs (payroll, advertising, etc.) to reduce operational overhead when/where possible. This way, you’ll save some money to hopefully balance out the rising costs of inflation.

Unpredictable Consumer Demand 

Insufficient historical data to understand future demand continues to challenge retailers' ability to forecast demand with accuracy. With consumers reprioritizing their spending due to an overall economic slowdown post-pandemic combined with shortened and accelerated trend cycles fueled by social media apps like TikTok and Instagram, winning in an ecommerce business takes research, data analysis, and a deep understanding of your customer base.

Additionally, surplus inventory buildup from delivery delays during the recovery from the pandemic has put downward pressure on some retail selling prices both from wholesale and consumer retail businesses.

The challenge, then, has come from trying to improve predictions for customer demand while, in many ways, having to rely on gut instinct rather than data-driven research. In this situation, supply chain managers are encouraged to abandon their bias, pursue new data sets for forecast models, and continually refine their results for the greatest level of accuracy.

It's important to understand the full story of your business as you do this, connecting sales across all sales channels and maintaining constant communication with your suppliers. This covers two critical aspects of demand forecasting: sales velocity and lead time. While calculating this is hard enough, find the best way to track this information so you can focus on the work that matters.

Increasing Freight Prices 

Contrary to initial expectations, the need for container shipping increased considerably throughout the pandemic. Now that the peak has passed and volumes have fallen, shipping rates have only, in rare circumstances, started to abate.

With higher fuel and labor costs, severe weather, and conflict preventing normal shipping volumes at the Panama and Suez Canals, freight transit distances are growing, and, as a result, costs are rising.

Port Congestion

Port congestion caused by the pandemic has largely abated but continues to threaten predictable transit times. As workforces around the world look for protections from automation as well as higher wages, there is a greater chance that work disruption during key moments could jeopardize key shipments at the most inopportune moment. Congestion occurs whenever a ship arrives at a port but cannot load (or unload) its freight because that station is already at capacity. 

Although the loading/unloading process typically goes according to plan, labor shortages and job action have notably steered things off course, creating major bottlenecks at a number of busy global docks. While no significant events are predicted in the upcoming months, it is good to prepare for this possibility.

Due to this congestion and the backlog it’s created, a myriad of companies are unable to get their goods out the door on time—which means carriers are also unable to adhere to their specified delivery commitments.

Changing Consumer Expectations 

Consumer attitudes and behaviors changed dramatically during the pandemic, like lowering the threshold for delivery times and raising the requirements for a positive customer experience with real-time status updates, which continue today.

The challenge comes in having an agile supply chain that can harness the power of automation to optimize fulfillment and handle accelerated demand with ease. An excellent example of this supply chain flexibility comes from omnichannel order fulfillment services and inventory management software (IMS).

When consumers place an order online, they expect real-time integration of shipping status into apps, messaging, and email systems. Modern order management software is essential to providing this type of real-time visibility.

The integration of shopping into social channels like TikTok and Pinterest and the proliferation of marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, and others put greater pressure on brands and retailers to syndicate their inventory to multiple websites and orchestrate inventory and orders across multiple channels in real time or near-real time.

Digital Transformation 

Digital transformation and the internet of things (IoT) can be a mixed blessing regarding supply chain operations. That said, several technologies have the potential to enhance the way we approach the traditional supply chain, including artificial intelligence (AI), interactive online catalogs, drones and robots, electric vehicles, and on-demand delivery. 

However, even though these systems and services are intended to make ecommerce processes more efficient and cost-effective in the long run, the challenge lies in implementing them across a company’s existing supply chain operations.

It takes time and organizational realignment to implement these technologies, particularly when using multiple warehouses or engaging in omnichannel selling. And yet, supply chains must continuously evolve if they wish to stay ahead of the competition.


Undoubtedly, restructuring is making major waves among modern retail brands. This process can take many different forms, from reshoring to changing suppliers to signing contracts with all new carriers. The challenge of restructuring is deciding when it’s the right time for a change and how to do so as seamlessly as possible.

With changes in consumer demands, companies are making difficult decisions to reduce their workforces and close facilities when required. This puts additional pressure on the remaining workforce to do more with less, take on new roles and responsibilities, and work toward the organization's greater profitability.

During this period, having a healthy safety stock on hand can prevent a stockout (and lost sales) should demand surge while your business is in transition.

Changes may also require changes in suppliers. If your company is changing suppliers or reshoring, you must have enough safety stock available if the transfer takes longer than expected.

Global Political Friction and Protectionism

With changing political opinions about global trade, instability in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and tensions escalating between China and Taiwan, worldwide commerce is experiencing uneasy and unpredictable tension that could impact future free and predictable movement of goods.

How to Overcome Supply Chain Challenges

As you can tell, the pandemic has presented some unique supply chain challenges that ecommerce retailers continue to tackle on a daily basis. The good news is, there are a multitude of ways to mitigate major issues and avoid running out of inventory ever again.

And though there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach to supply chain planning, combining a few different techniques can provide complete and comprehensive outcomes.

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Keep Liquidity in Your Business

Protect your business with flexible access to capital. After all, having cash on hand is often the difference between meeting demand and going out of stock.

With sharp ebbs and flows of inventory expected in the coming months, it’s wise to consider a flexible line of credit that can be used to stock up on evergreen or perennial items in high demand and pay for priority manufacturing/shipping (or even air freighting as needed).

Diversify Your Sourcing Strategy

Another solution you can explore to combat material scarcity is diversifying your supplier or vendor network. Utilizing multiple suppliers gives you more options if specific vendors face bottlenecks and/or allow you to find more cost-effective manufacturing. By developing multiple supplier relationships, it’s easier to develop a more flexible supply chain strategy and adjust to a constantly changing market (i.e., during a prolonged pandemic that alters the entire global economy).

Look for automated inventory management software and order management solutions that allow you to add multiple vendors and offers you greater agility in your inventory orders. Additionally, broaden your range of sourcing, perhaps geographically, to increase choice and abundance within your supply chain.

Many times, diverse sourcing is the key to a brand’s success, as it readily locates goods and materials while maintaining profits, growing customers, and boosting innovation.

Work with a Freight Forwarder

Partnering with one or more freight forwarders can help you manage and track the shipment of your goods. While freight forwarding companies are accountable for transporting products from one destination to the next, they can also arrange the entire process for shippers and negotiate the best price and/or fastest route.

Retailers who work with freight forwarders benefit from their vast knowledge of the supply chain and their ability to handle unforeseen obstacles in real time (such as delayed goods or rerouted services). What’s more, freight forwarders can negotiate at scale by aggregating shipments of smaller retailers.

Identify Alternative Shipping Ports

Hedge your bets by seeking out alternative ports to meet your fulfillment needs and stay on schedule—regardless of unforeseen events or a sudden spike in customer orders. With DTC brands increasingly dependent on Asian imports, the sister ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have become the bedrock of Transpacific trade.

Given that these ports account for over 25% of North America’s ocean freight, it’d be wise to identify a fail-safe in case of congestion or similar inefficiencies.

Improve Demand Forecasting

Without fail, the best way to improve forecasting is by using automation to calculate these metrics on your behalf. Ecommerce sellers are always looking for a balance between their inventory levels, warehousing costs, and consumer demand to prevent stockouts or inventory shortages.

With automated inventory alerts, forecasting tools, and cash on hand, merchants can stock up with confidence based on predicted product demand or historical sales. What’s more, prioritizing forecasting can streamline inventory counts and reduce excess overhead fees.

Stay Resilient

Retailers who stay resilient in the face of supply chain and logistics challenges have the best chance for success. By remaining flexible, your company can better adapt to unforeseen circumstances and make strategic pivots as necessary. This might mean coming up with better solutions to complex problems with your inventory, technology, marketing, and more.

For example, you can review your inventory levels to determine which products need to be bundled, discounted, or possibly just promoted. In doing so, you can almost immediately increase your cash flow and minimize lost revenue from dead stock inventory.

Alternatively, you might want to upgrade and integrate your ecommerce technology stack to help you stay afloat and stand out. Using comprehensive inventory software, your brand can identify inefficiencies, reduce errors, and optimize its inventory significantly.

Looking Forward: Augmented Supply Chain Management with Technology

Amid global crisis and supply/demand difficulties, brands are somehow building resilience against future shocks and repairing their fault lines via supply chain management (SCM) transformation.

The pandemic amplified the need for greater supply chain optimization and faster decision-making. The solution? Technology. KPMG's article on the digital shake-up of the supply chain emphasizes the importance of embracing cutting-edge technologies to stay ahead in the supply chain:

Advanced technologies are shaking up the supply chain world. With quickly evolving capabilities across generative AI, data analytics, automation, machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and more, the ‘smart’ supply chain is well on its way to becoming the new normal." 

KPMG International

KPMG International

What this means is, it will be increasingly important for today’s supply chain leaders to adopt a holistic perspective with AI and analytics in the years to come. Your business can and should leverage technology like Extensiv's solutions for brands to get a good pulse on everything from automated, intelligent order routing to bringing more visibility to your inventory no matter where it is in the supply chain.

Adding advanced inventory and order management technology to your ecommerce toolkit can drastically reduce your logistics and supply chain headaches so you can spend more time meeting consumer demand. Interested in learning how Extensiv can upgrade your fulfillment technology capabilities? Request a demo today!

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Supply chain challenges FAQs

How can companies improve resilience in their supply chain?

Companies can improve resilience by diversifying their supplier base, building contingency plans, investing in robust risk management strategies, and using technology to enhance visibility and adaptability.

What is the impact of global events on the supply chain?

Global events, such as pandemics, natural disasters, political conflicts, and trade disputes, can have significant impacts on the supply chain. They can disrupt transportation, cause supplier shortages, and lead to fluctuations in demand.

What role does communication play in overcoming supply chain challenges?

Effective communication is crucial for coordinating activities across different stages of the supply chain and ensuring that all stakeholders are informed of any disruptions or changes. Clear communication helps in making timely decisions.

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