The ecommerce landscape has dramatically evolved over the past three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and inflation. These factors continuously reshape how orders are placed, fulfilled, and delivered, impacting everything from inventory management to customer satisfaction.

We often receive inquiries from ecommerce brands about how their fulfillment operations stack up against the industry standard.

Grow your ecommerce business with Extensiv

To address this, we are committed to helping our clients gain a clearer understanding of their position within the industry through comprehensive analysis and benchmarks.

Participate in Our Ecommerce Business Operations Survey

Extensiv is excited to announce the launch of our inaugural Ecommerce Fulfillment Benchmark Survey aimed at dissecting the trends and challenges of ecommerce from order placement to delivery. This survey will help brands prepare effectively for the upcoming year and beyond by providing insights into operational efficiency, profitability, customer fulfillment rates, and other critical operational metrics.

Take the survey now to contribute to and benefit from our detailed analysis – don't miss out on the opportunity to benchmark your fulfillment operations and plan with precision.

Why Your Feedback is Invaluable

By participating in this short 5- to 10-minute survey, you'll contribute to a wide pool of data that will be anonymized and used to identify significant industry trends. This is a fantastic opportunity to reflect on your own processes and see how they compare with wider ecommerce trends and practices.

Incentives for Participating

To show our appreciation for your time and input, all survey participants will be entered into a draw to win one of three $100 American Express gift cards. Additionally, participants will receive early access to the comprehensive benchmark report once it's published, allowing you to get a head start on refining your strategies for the coming year.

Learn More from Additional Resources

If you haven't seen the insights in our previous releases, check out Extensiv’s resource library, which includes a multitude of reports, expert guides, webinars, practical checklists, and more to help you understand and strategize how to adopt the latest industry trends. Or, subscribe to our blog above to get the latest articles sent directly to your inbox!

Looking to thrive–not just survive–in ecommerce? Check out our exclusive  webinar with Rick Watson for actionable insights that will help you stay ahead  in the evolving logistics landscape.

Furthermore, as Extensiv moves forward serving both ecommerce brands and logistics providers, we now analyze over 140 million transactions annually. This vast amount of data enables us to provide weekly insights through Extensiv Market Insights—which not only covers order volume changes on major marketplaces like Amazon and Shopify but also offers a granular look at ecommerce trends that could influence strategic decisions in real-time.

By participating in our survey, you're not just benchmarking your business—you're steering the ecommerce industry towards more effective and efficient practices. Don't miss this chance to shape the future of ecommerce fulfillment – take the survey now

FREE REPORT Time to Expand Your Ecommerce Warehouse?  Best Practices and Tips for Brands & Merchants.  

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From the shopping cart to delivery, Extensiv makes order fulfillment seamless and easy. Total visibility. Total control.
