Spring 2023 Extensiv Supply Chain Scholarship winner, Ashley McMillon, is a bright student at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, with a promising future career in information systems and supply chain management. With a vision of the future of supply chain management, she wrote a winning essay on the future of augmented reality and how it could revolutionize the supply chain industry as a whole. Exploring how these new technologies could impact logistics and the supply chain is the type of thinking that will propel us forward, and we as a company are excited to see her future success in this industry. 

For those not aware, the Extensiv Supply Chain Scholarship was created to not only inspire fresh and new ideas within the industry, but to find talent as well. In conversations with our warehouse management system (WMS) customers, they shared the difficulty in seeking suitable employees with talented minds. These minds would inspire, create, and lead the future of the supply chain industry. To help the development of our industry, Extensiv created the Supply Chain Scholarship. Our hope is that we can benefit the supply chain industry by finding and aiding like-minded individuals that will lead the future of supply chain and warehousing technology. 

See how Extensiv drives the modern supply chain

Without further ado, here is a future visionary in logistics and winner for the Spring 2023 Extensiv Supply Chain Scholarship, Ashley McMillon, and her essay on augmented reality and its potential role in increasing efficiency within warehouses in the future. 



Augmented Reality in the Supply Chain Industry

Augmented reality, a new, exciting branch of continuously evolving artificial intelligence, is making its way into the supply chain industry with promising results. Though the supply chain industry has improved in a variety of ways over the past couple of decades with the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and even drones in larger companies such as Amazon to reduce the possibility of human error, the number of technological advancements are only growing (Prasad). Joining other recent advancements, the new, gripping technology of augmented reality (commonly referred to as “AR”) is in the developmental stages and could be the future of the supply chain industry as a whole.

So, what exactly is augmented reality? The article, “What is Augmented Reality and How Does it Work?”, published by Think Lean Six Sigma, defines it as “a technology that allows the combination or the insertion of virtual elements in the physical environment” (Soares). It may be difficult to picture such a technology, as most people would liken augmented reality to virtual reality, which usually includes an entire headset. Though similar, augmented reality could be hidden in an object as sleek and form-fitting as a pair of glasses. In fact, some companies such as Google and Ubimax are testing AR smart glasses in an effort to find solutions to common logistical issues within the supply chain, as discussed in the article, “Five Ways Augmented Reality Enhances Supply Chain Management” (Lu).

In trials, augmented reality is used to overlay technological information onto the real-world to assist in employee efficiency and reduce human error. The technology can be used to train and guide employees through a task and can provide manuals and other helpful tools at immediate disposal by voice command or movement. This not only increases efficiency but productivity. According to a study conducted by the ABI Research team, employees who use augmented reality are able to start producing results sooner than what has been possible with hands-on, human training (Lu). The overlay of technology onto the real world can provide helpful insight into a task or an object in question, assist in inventorying, identify items, solve problems, and can be used to complete tasks and record accurate information as it is collected.

The capabilities of augmented reality could eliminate the use of excess paperwork, physical manuals, and even most of the human training that is typically needed for employment within the supply chain, particularly within logistical channels such as warehousing and transportation management. The ABI Research team also reported that companies who are testing augmented reality have reported increased efficiency, reduced costs, improved safety measures, reduced human errors, and a quick return on investment (Lu). Augmented reality could shake the supply chain industry as its benefits provide quick solutions to common issues within the field, such as misreported information and postponement. With technology developing rapidly, it is possible that artificial intelligence may be incorporated to provide real-time, relevant, and accurate suggestions to employees. With a “mind of its own,” artificial intelligence, paired with augmented reality, has the potential to both solve common logistical issues and improve the supply chain industry as a whole.

The ground-breaking, recent technological advancement will soon infiltrate the supply chain industry and change the field for the better. Starting with big tech companies such as Google, augmented reality will solve many logistical issues, provide employees with helpful guides and insights into their work, increase efficiency and productivity, and will streamline supply chain processes within logistical channels. Augmented reality will have the heaviest impact on warehousing, transportation, distribution, and operations as the technology will automate and digitize previously manual processes, which will also aid in the reduction of a company’s production costs (Joshi). Companies who invest in the technology are sure to have a quick return of investment that will set them apart from competitors, and AR is the next big advancement in supply chain management.



Joshi, Naveen. “Augmented Reality and Supply Chain Management.” BBN Times, 17 Aug. 2018,www.bbntimes.com/technology/augmented-reality-and-supply-chain-management#:~:text=The%20application%20of%20augmented%20reality%20%28AR%29%20in%20supply. Accessed 19 Aug. 2022.

Lu, Marina. “Five Ways Augmented Reality Enhances Supply Chain Management.” ACSM, 5 Nov. 2018,www.ascm.org/ascm-insights/five-ways-augmented-reality-enhances-supply-chain-management/#:~:text=In%202016%2C%20DHL%20partnered%20with%20augmented%20reality%20%28AR%29. Accessed 19 Aug. 2022.

Prasad, Rajiv. “Technological Advancements in Supply Chain Management.”Xpandretail, 13 Dec. 2018, xpandretail.com/technological-advancements-in-supply-chain-management/.Accessed 19 Aug. 2022.

Soares, Alicia. “What Is Augmented Reality and How Does It Work?”Think Lean Six Sigma, 18 Apr. 2022, www.thinkleansixsigma.com/article/augmented-reality. Accessed 19 Aug.2022.

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