
Start The New Year Right With These Inventory Management Tips

Written by Extensiv | Jan 1, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Another holiday season is behind. Now it’s time to focus on inventory and warehouse management improvements that will make your business run like clockwork.

Another holiday season is behind you. You’ve survived Black
Friday, Cyber Monday and the Night Before Christmas (or whatever you call the last day by which you accept rush orders and guarantee them to get out before Christmas). Now it’s time to focus on inventory and warehouse management
improvements that will make your business run like clockwork in the new year.

Move Merchandise from Receiving


Within every warehouse there are bottlenecks. One typical
bottleneck is the inventory receiving area. Workers are so focused on getting
orders out that they neglect to check new merchandise into stock.

One way to simplify receiving is to use a system like
Extensiv Warehouse Manager inventory management from Extensiv Warehouse Manager Software. This simple scanning
solution can make it easy to scan in new merchandise and assign it to bins or
shelves quickly and simply to move it from the receiving area into the
warehouse. When you can make receiving as simple and painless as possible,
you’ll do a lot to remove this particular warehouse bottleneck.

Take Inventory Frequently

Manual inventory taking is so cumbersome that it’s usually
left for an annual date (that everyone dreams). Instead of taking inventory
annually or biannually, take inventory counts quarterly or monthly. topShelf
makes it easy to scan items and reconcile your inventory data. You’ll be able
to check quantities on hand against your records so much more quickly using
Extensiv Warehouse Manager that you can take inventory a lot more frequently.

There are many benefits of taking inventory counts frequently. First, you’ll be
able to spot any overages or missing items quickly. The faster you can spot
these issues, the faster you can rectify them. You’ll also have an accurate
cost estimate of merchandise in the warehouse for insurance or other purposes.

Improve Training

One of the great things about Extensiv Warehouse Manager from Extensiv Warehouse Manager Software
is that it’s so easy, anyone can use. That doesn’t mean, however, that you
should skip training. Training employees on how to scan with the fewest
movements is a time-saving tip that should be included in your employee
orientation and training sessions.

But there are other aspects of employee training for warehouse staff that
shouldn’t be neglected. It may be time to provide refresher training on safety,
such as safe lifting of heavy items, how to handle specific merchandise, or
safety when running forklifts and other equipment. Schedule a safety refresher
training now.

Inventory and warehouse management is an ongoing process of
improvement. Take the time now to implement these tips for a better, brighter
new year.

Visit our online learning center for more information
on Extensiv Warehouse Manager from Extensiv Warehouse Manager Software.